Un bilant al dezastrului care a lovit in urma cu doua zile Japonia este greu, daca nu imposibil de facut. Pe masura ce echipele de interventie ajung la localitatile lovite de tsunami, gasesc un peisaj sinistru.Imaginile vorbesc de la sine.
Copyright © 2011 by The Atlantic Monthly Group
Sursa: Maramuresul Online
Maramuresul Online
Police officers wearing respirators guide people to evacuate away from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant following an evacuation order for residents who live in within a 10 km (6.3 miles) radius from the plant after an explosion in Tomioka Town in Fukushima Prefecture March 12, 2011. Japanese authorities battling to contain rising pressure in nuclear reactors damaged by a massive earthquake were forced to release radioactive steam from one plant on March 12, 2011 after evacuating tens of thousands of residents from the area. Tokyo Electric Power Co also said fuel may have been damaged by falling water levels at the Daiichi facility, one of its two nuclear power plants in Fukushima, some 240 km (150 miles) north of Tokyo. (REUTERS/Asahi Shimbun) # 
Copyright © 2011 by The Atlantic Monthly Group
Sursa: Maramuresul Online