S-a vorbit la finala Eurovision 2010 despre cronica unei victorii anuntate. Tanara Lena din Gemania a castigat concursul cu 246 de puncte, asa cum s-a pronosticat pe majotritatea site-urilor. Pe locul 2 s-a situat piesa rock a trupei maNga din Turcia, iar pe trei ''Playing with fire'' a lui Ovi si a Paulei Seling din Romania.
Foarte multe balade si foarte multi tineri la editia 2010 a concursului, lucru remarcat si de comentatorii evenimenului difuzat de Televiziunea Romana, Leonard Miron si Jeanina Corondan. Interpretii din Marea Britanie, Israel, Georgia, Armenia, Ucraina si Germania au toti sub 20 de ani.
Cele mai multe reactii in sala au stranit piesele "We Could Be The Same’’ – maNga (Turcia), "In A moment Like This” - Chanee & N'evergreen (Danemarca), „Opa” - Giorgos Alkaios & Friends (Grecia), „Me And My Guitar” – Tom Dice (Belgia), ” Drip Drop” – Safura (Azerbaidjan), „Butterflies” – 3+2 (Belarus) si "Allez Olla Ole" - Jessy Matador (Franta), care s-au remarcat in mod special prin coregrafie sau costume. De altfel, piesa Frantei este asteptata sa devina un hit al verii, fiind si melodia campionatului Coupe De Monde 2010.
Mai putin apreciate au fost prestatiile reprezentantilor din Marea Britanie, Portugalia si Israel, care au suferit din cauza calitatii vocii interpretilor sau a celor din acompaniamentul vocal.
„Playing with Fire” a Paulei Seling si a lui Ovi a fost un succes de scena, iar interpretarea celor doi a fost ireprosabila. Ei au avut ajutor si din partea a patru fete care au asigurat backing vocal-ul, una dintre ele fiind chiar din Baia Mare: Andreea Moldovan, „fata cu vioara". Ovi si Paula au purtat aceleasi costume ca si in finala de acasa. El – o geaca din piele si pantaloni negri, ea - un catsuit din piele, negru, mulat pe corp.
Organizatorii competitiei muzicale s-au facut luntre si punte si au oferit publicului spectator si telespectator un show incendiar, cu efecte speciale si jocuri de lumini extraordinare si diferite pentru fiecare piesa in parte. Cei de acasa au putut urmari din fotolii chiar si imagini din culise inaintea fiecarei presatii.
Cu toate acestea, seara nu a fost lipista de incidente. Concurentul din Spania, Daniel Diges, a cerut sa reinterpreteze piesa "Algo pequenito" , pentru ca in timpul primei sale prestatii un spectator a navalit pe scena, fara insa a-i intrerupe cantarea.
Oslo, Norway -
After an exciting voting in front of 18,000 people in a fully packed Oslo Telenor Arena and millions of TV viewers all over Europe, it was finally Lena from Germany who received the highest number of points from televoters and juries from the 39 countries participating in this year's edition of Europe's Favourite TV-show! Germany managed to gather 246 points altogether, followed by maNga from Turkey with 170 points and Ovi & Paula Selling from Romania who collected 162 points.
Europe experienced a breathtaking show live from the Telenor Arena in Oslo tonight with 25 acts from 25 countries giving their very best. 20 of these had qualified
from the two Semi-Finals while host nation Norway and the so-called 'Big Four' - France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom - were automatically set for the Final. After all 39 countries had voted, it was Lena from Germany who was the lucky winner with his song Satellite, collecting 246 points altogether.
Pretty much out of nowhere – apart from the homemade dance videos and a few attempts with the school band – Lena conquered the audience’s heart during the national German final for the Eurovision Song Contest. “I didn’t tell my friends about my first casting for the show, so there wouldn’t be any stupid comments if I got kicked out straight away,” she says, thinking of her terrible stage fright. Even though Lena danced regularly during her childhood – from Ballet to Jazz and Hip Hop – she made her way to music without piano lessons or vocal training. But she got her chance, grabbed it and developed rapidly. Directly after the German national final, her single Satellite went to the top of all national charts and stayed there for weeks. Lena even created a new German download record: never before had a song sold so well in such a short time!
50% jury impact
The winner was decided by a mixture of 50% televote and 50% jury. For this purpose, national juries consisting of five music industry professionals gathered in all 39 participating countries who ranked the songs in Eurovision Song Contest style, giving 12 points to their favourite song, 10 points to their second favourite, etc. The results of the five jury members were then added up and accounted for 50% of the country's votes. Those results were then combined with the televoting results.
The Spanish entry by Daniel Diges Algo Pequeñito (Something Tiny) was disturbed by a spectator jumping on the scene, so according to the rules, the song was performed again at the end.
Eurovision Song Contest 2010 Final
Place | Country | Performer | Song | Points |
1 | Germany | Lena | Satellite | 246 |
2 | Turkey | maNga | We Could Be The Same | 170 |
3 | Romania | Paula Seling & Ovi | Playing With Fire | 162 |
4 | Denmark | Chanée & N'evergreen | In A Moment Like This | 149 |
5 | Azerbaijan | Safura | Drip Drop | 145 |
6 | Belgium | Tom Dice | Me And My Guitar | 143 |
7 | Armenia | Eva Rivas | Apricot Stone | 141 |
8 | Greece | Giorgos Alkaios & Friends | OPA | 140 |
9 | Georgia | Sofia Nizharadze | Shine | 136 |
10 | Ukraine | Alyosha | Sweet People | 108 |
11 | Russia | Peter Nalitch & Friends | Lost And Forgotten | 90 |
12 | France | Jessy Matador | Allez Olla Olé | 82 |
13 | Serbia | Milan Stanković | Ovo Je Balkan | 72 |
14 | Israel | Harel Skaat | Milim | 71 |
15 | Spain | Daniel Diges | Algo Pequeñito (Something Tiny) | 68 |
16 | Albania | Juliana Pasha | It's All About You | 62 |
17 | Bosnia & Herzegovina | Vukašin Brajić | Thunder And Lightning | 51 |
18 | Portugal | Filipa Azevedo | Há Dias Assim | 43 |
19 | Iceland | Hera Björk | Je Ne Sais Quoi | 41 |
20 | Norway | Didrik Solli-Tangen | My Heart Is Yours | 35 |
21 | Cyprus | Jon Lilygreen & The Islanders | Life Looks Better In Spring | 27 |
22 | Moldova | Sunstroke Project & Olia Tira | Run Away | 27 |
23 | Ireland | Niamh Kavanagh | It's For You | 25 |
24 | Belarus | 3+2 | Butterflies | 18 |
25 | United Kingdom | Josh | That Sounds Good To Me | 10 |
