Povestea unei bunicuţe vitezomane din Texas a făcut rapid înconjurul Americii, după ce un poliţist i-a administrat electroşocuri.
Poliţistul a recurs la această măsură pentru că femeia de 72 de ani l-a agresat verbal şi a contestat amenda pe care i-a dat-o pentru depăşirea vitezei. Incidentul a fost surprins de camera video din maşina poliţiei, iar imaginile au circulat în toată America.
Kathryn a fost oprită şi amendată de poliţist pentru că circula cu aproape 100 de kilometri la oră într-o zonă unde viteza maximă admisă era de 70 de kilometri la oră. N-a vrut în ruptul capului să semneze procesul verbal de amendă şi l-a provocat verbal pe omul legii.
Enervat de încăpăţânarea femeii, poliţistul a încercat să-i pună cătuşe.
Imaginile au fost preluate imediat de posturile de televiziune din Statele Unite şi au stârnit reacţia oamenilor.
Grandmother Tasered at
Traffic Stop
A 72-year-old woman is pulled over for speeding, then tasered and sent to jail. Kathryn Winkfein says she drives to Austin about twice a month to do her shopping. But on a Monday afternoon, a Travis County Constable deputy pulled her over, on her way back to Granite Schoals.
"Due to being a construction zone, and workers being present," Pct. 3 Constable Richard McCain said, "it was 45, she was doing 60."
Winkfein admits she was speeding in the dangerous strip of Highway 71 and Bee Creek.
"He explained to her," Constable McCain said, "sign the ticket stub, it's not an admission of guilt. It's a promise to appear in court. She didn't want to. She said take me to jail."
That's when the officer says Winkfein exited her vehicle and didn't cooperate.
"She refused to get off the side of the road, he said to her, Ma'am, you're under arrest. She used profanity," the Constable said. He adds she got violent, and the officer used a taser on her.
Winkfein showed FOX 7 her taser scars.
"Here and here. Two places, side by side. It's unreal. It's like an electric shock," she said.
A shock Winkfein believes she didn't deserve.
"I wasn't argumentative, I was not combative. This is a lie. All of this is a lie, pulled away from him I did not," she said, reading the arrest affidavit.
The great-grandmother was taken to the Travis County Jail, where she was booked for resisting arrest and detention. She was released shortly after. Now, Winkfein has hired attorneys to protect her rights.
When asked if it was appropriate for the arresting officer to have used a taser, Constable McCain answered yes.